NX CAD – Basic Design
1 day I NX CAD
Course Overview:
Our In this learning path, you will explore methods for developing and editing basic solid models, assembly models, and drawings. Basic Design is designed to give an entry level user a high-level overview of NX modeling, assemblies and drafting topics.
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Course Delivery:
NX CAD – Basic Design
Our training modules are developed to progressively train the customer with each step being built on the previous, setting a solid foundation to build more demanding skills on. The course will be a combination of presentations, discussions and hands-on activities followed by questions in relation to the trainees’ requirements.
1 day I NX CAD
(1 day)
• NX User Interface
• Create a basic part
• Organise and display part models
• Create cylindrical parts using sketches
• Add finishing details
• Simple changes and part interrogation
• Basic part edits using Synchronous technology
• Analyse existing assemblies
• Bottom up assembly basics
• Create a basic part drawing
Note – There is an option for custom training for your specific requirements. Please outline what you require to be covered and we will provide a custom training proposal to meet your needs.
Enquire Now to learn more about the course or to get started for your or your employees.