Analyze MyWorkpiece /Capture4Analysis
Record high quality process data from your CNC controller and provide it to external IT systems
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​Additional value added with Analyze MyWorkpiece /Capture thanks to the open Industrial Edge for Machine Tools eco-system
Capture data of the production process for more transparency
Analyse data to track down the specific sources for errors and quality problems
Use your own data analytics or rely on Siemens’ machine tool specific products
Use the data of your machine for data capturing and advanced data analytics
Enables the storage and transmission of high-frequency data
No interference: no additional load on the NCU despite access to all available data
​Use of data for offline analysis and (in the future) as input for further applications on an Industrial Edge for Machine Tools
Continuously improving processing with Digital Twin of Performance: Analyse MyWorkpiece
Higher production throughput and quality of products through continuous observation and analysis of real production data
Improve quality based on analysing internal machine variables
Recognise and analyse deviations in processes
High quality data to optimise process productivity
Import data from machine tools into own IT infrastructure
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Get data for your analytics using Analyze MyWorkpiece /Capture4Analysis
​This tutorial shows how to install and configure Analyze MyWorkpiece /Capture4Analysis so that you can create valid recording jobs to record data being generated by the SINUMERIK while your NC program is running. The recorded data sets are then sent to an external directory using MQTT. Now, they can be processed further with your analytics software.